We spent a great week with Chase, my stepson and his sweet girlfriend Mira. Mira had never been to the area and there were somethings that Chase hasn't seen either so there was a lot of sightseeing to do! Even though I did work a couple of days, we ate out every night and did a lot of fun things, so I felt a little like we were on vacation too. Wanna come along to take a vicarious whirlwind staycation too? I took a few pics myself, but I will borrow from Chase and Mira's as well. First night..a Chase tradition, we went to Hooters for wings. Smiles all around!

Sunday we headed to THE must see for anyone visiting Western Washington....Mt. Rainier. Not that you can't see it from a distance everywhere you go on a clear day! It's like the everseeing eye watching over you...kinda creepy huh? Not not really....its gorgeous!

Even the wild life came out to play!

There were still signs of winter, but spring was winning out. See how the ferns are still smashed down where they were under the snow?

Even with the snow so near I did find something blooming. Skunk Cabbage!

Pretty rocks and running water. I could stare at it all day.

Plus a waterfall...can life be more perfect?

From a distance

After a long day of mountain air there's only one thing that will satisfy your tummy. Giant plates of Mexican food! This was Mira's chunky "Baby Leg" burrito. I have to add to Mira's credit..this took her 3 days to eat.

On Monday Mariner's baseball was on the agenda so we piled in the car and headed to Seattle. There is a brewery conveniently (for all beer drinking baseball fans) located across the street from Safeco Field. We were early enough to actually get seating, so we popped into Pyramid Ales for a beer (or 5 in Chase's case) and some pregame Nachos. He got the sampler and as you can see thoroughly enjoyed the sample! All the while I am learning things about my stepson's tastes. *Note the olives left on the plate. He takes after his Dad!

After the beer we headed over the the stadium, where I'm afraid the best part was the view of Seattle (and then it was seen through the rain...Thank God for the roof!).

Of course we always want the Mariner's to win.

But sometimes you have to settle for a picture with the Moose instead!

Dinner was hotdogs! Plus Chase and Mira had the requisite Garlic Fries that the stadium is famous for and cotton candy AND I had some kettle corn...whew...makes you wanna throw up just thinking about eating all of that doesn't it?

Tuesday I dragged myself into work for a day and the kids went into Seattle for a day of sightseeing...Pikes Place Market, the aquarium, Space Needle and Pacific Science Center. I was most envious of their visit to the Butterfly House!

I picked up burgers on my way home from work...that one day pooped me out!!!
Wednesday Randy and Chase went to play golf. Mira practiced her drumming...she's in a Scottish band! Impressive huh? And I did my one day in the kitchen...stick with me til the end of the post to find out what I made. Here's a shot of Father and Son have some bonding time on the course (I think this was actually from Monday (before the game) but shhhhhh.....I would imagine they looked very similar on Wednesday!)

Wednesday evening we went out to do some shopping then had Teriyaki from our favorite local place called Kinza. No pics....too busy eating...
Thursday was another big day and we headed back to Seattle for a Harbor Cruise. It was part of the City Pass Chase and Mira had bought and they wanted us to go too. Well worth the price in my opinion. You get a really cool perspective of the skyline.

Here are Randy and me enjoying the sunshine and sights

When we left the "cruise" we did a little spin through Pioneer Square

And past Pikes Place Market

We were headed to another destination, but I couldn't resist sneaking in to see what was happening at the fish market. No flying fish for the few minutes I was there, but the seafood sure was pretty.

We made it to our car and left the city for the town of Woodinville to check out the RedHook Brewery.

Our tour guide, who was very generous with the samples!

You get to keep the little glass too. The most interesting was their Double Black which has a shot of coffee in it. I didn't think I would like it but it surprised me by it's smoothness.

They have a restaurant that has a nice little patio and we ate under the hops arbor.

Chase had this Caesar salad the last time we visited the brewery (41/2 years ago) and he's been dreaming about it since. It lived up to his expectations.

As did the mountain of nachos Randy and I shared. Its something about the cheese but they are the best I've ever had. I needed this mountain to absorb the alcohol! I'm such a lightweight.

On vacation!

The mountain was out to guide us home.

Friday I headed back to work (UGH) and Randy, Chase and Mira played more golf! After work I met them at a place we like, Katy Downs, down on the Tacoma waterfront and we shared some pizzas. We get one every time called The Wild West..barbecue sauce, chicken, mozarella, bell peppers, onions and pineapple. Very tasty!
We ate outside and had a view of a couple of Merchant Marine ships

And the mountain with the competitor hospital in the foreground. Doesn't it look like a giant Martin birdhouse condo?

We took a walk after dinner...they have a very long walking park along the waterfront. Mira went to put her hand in Puget Sound

We stop to inspect the old fireboat.

And walked out on a fishing pier for another fine shot of the ever present mountain.

Saturday and the week was almost over. The old folks were worn out so the kiddos went to Seattle to finish up the rest of the sights on their City Pass. The zoo

And Boeing Flight Museum were visited

They got back home in plenty of time for us to make our reservation at The Samurai Steakhouse. Here's our chef making an onion volcano.

Chase's Sukiyaki

And my nasty looking but very tasty oysters

Last night of vacation

Last night of Staycation...doesn't Randy look thrilled?

They took off this morning and it was very very quiet here today. Jigs had a long nap :-)
So for those of you that suffered through the whole long post...a reward! A little stack of love. I know Chase loves his Nana's Peanut Butter Oatmeal cookies so I made a batch while they were out golfing one day. It just so happens to be one of my favorite cookies as well, so I'm not so sad Chase forgot to take the rest of them for the drive home...hehehe.

Darleen's Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies
1 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup white sugar
1 cup shortening
1 cup peanut butter
2 eggs
2 cups oatmeal
1 1/2 cups flour
2 tsp baking soda
Pinch of salt
Beat shortening, then add sugar, then eggs. Add and stir in peanut butter. Mix in rest of ingredients. Rolls in balls and pressed with a fork. I bake at 350 for about 12 minutes. Let them cool for a couple of minutes on the pan the remove to a rack to cool. Makes 5 dozen very delicious cookies. To me they are the peanut butter equivalent to a Pecan Sandie.