Today was maybe not such a good way to start the New Year..or maybe a good way..I'll get it over with quick. I seem to have picked up a bug of sorts and have been hacking my brains out today. I'm not a big fan of cough syrup and rarely have any on hand, so I figured it might be time to improvise. Hall's Lemon Honey drops can only carry you so far. Enter the Hot Toddy...cough syrup's kinder and more tasty cousin. Now I've never actually had a Hot Toddy before today, so I had to go search out recipes on the net. There are many..but one that called for Grenadine piqued my interest. *Light Bulb* Grenadine is made from Pom Juice..which I still have a stash of in my fridge. From this was born the Hot Pom Toddy! Anyone making an early 2010 Christmas list..you can put me down for Irish Coffee Cups. Although Daffy is pretty cute.

Hot Pom Toddy
1-2 Tablespoons Honey (I like it sweeter)
Juice of 1/3 lemon
1 oz Bourbon (or Whiskey or Rum)
2 oz Pom Juice
1 tea bag (I used Bengal Spice, but I think Lemon would be great too)
Enough hot water to steep the tea
Coat the bottom of a Irish Coffee Cup (because the Hot Toddy is such a pretty color you want to show it off) with honey. Add lemon juice, liquor and Pom Juice. Prepare hot water and steep tea. Pour prepared tea into waiting cup. Garnish with lemon slice or cinnamon stick or both!
I have to report that I didn't cough once while I was drinking this.....the jury is still out on how long the effects will last. Might need to try a second! I should sleep like a baby tonight.