Randy and I celebrated a wedding anniversary...6 years..this past weekend. We were both under the weather, so we waited until Monday to go out for a nice Italian dinner. So this week for Flashback Friday I'm flashing back to September 25, 2004. My kitchen was transformed into catering headquarters.

And the backyard a wedding chapel with refreshments in the rear

We tied the knot under what I now call the wedding arbor. That's my pal Reverend Carolyn...a coworker that became ordained for the occasion and has gone on to marry quite a few other couples. She was great and had us in stitches the whole time. Although we look pretty serious at this moment.

I moved the wedding arbor to our back gate and this is what it looked like this summer.

We had plenty of good food

We even had shish kabobs grilling around the corner from the "chapel"

Some of my family came from Louisiana..my sister wouldn't have missed it. She's always there for me!

Here is my godmother..my mom's baby sister that I call Nanny and my pal Alice from work. I bet you can tell which one I'm related to!

We had two cakes...one store bought which was very forgettable and one unforgettable Shrek cake made my Alice's sister and my friend Susie. I keep the figurines in the kitchen window to remind me of the day.

And the thing that made me cry first that day...my beautiful bouquet made by a friend, Mary from work. I couldn't have imagined anything so pretty! I'm not sure where she found those hydrangeas in late September. I have a few stragglers on my bushes, but for the most part they are way over ripe!

So 6 years later...my sweet hubby is still making me smile and this year he got me an anniversary gift that shows he really knows me well. Wahoooooo!

I am now a slicing dicing chopping fool!

Happy Anniversary Honey! I'll have to whip you up something good *wink*
I you have a flashback you'd like to share add your link below!

I'm joining in for Foodie Friday this week over at Designs by Gollum. Hopefully my wedding food and new processor qualifies! Check it out HERE.