I had a hard time making up my mind there were so many cute prankster foods out there to try. I got some great inspiration from The Surreal Gourmet , a Food Network Canada chef. Not all of his recipes are fit for April Fool's Day, but he has some that are incredible. This Cauliflower Soup that looks like a bowl of cheerios had me hooked! Search his recipes for some interesting and unique recipes. I also got inspiration from another *unique* individual, Twinkie Chan. I ADORE her crochet food creations, and she also does some faux food. Check out her Sunday Brunch club here. For those of you who haven't hear of Twinkie, she makes a killing selling crochet items like the ones you see in this Flickr set. Some of her stuff goes for $100-200 like this scarf.
I fell in love with this stuff so much I tried my hand at it a couple of years ago as well. But I still want to make one of those cupcake scarves because I don't have $175 to spend on a Twinkie original.

So even though The Surreal Gourmet and Twinkie gave me good inspiration I found a "recipe" elsewhere that I just kept coming back to. Like Carol's recipe this comes from Family Fun online (what a great place!). I thought it would be a challenge and a little bit out of the ordinary. I have to say..this was a blast to put together!!!!

The "spaghetti sauce" is my homemade Raspberry Green Tomato jam instead of strawberry ice cream topping. So there realllllly are tomatoes in the sauce :-) The spaghetti is buttercream icing twirled over little hunk of angelfood cake.

I made a few substitutions. For the meatballs I used Ferrer Rocher chocolates instead of the malted milk balls called for. I like bigger meatballs!! The "parsley flakes" on the "garlic bread" are large green sugar crystals instead of sprinkles and the bread itself is angel food cake instead of lady fingers.

So I know what you're thinking....did I really eat this??? Yes I actually tasted all of it. It was good!!! Sweet but good :-)
I couldn't resist trying another recipe that I've seen quite a bit here and there online. This was just too much fun!
Mini burgers and a fries anyone?

This would be a great little thing to make with kids.

I used this from Allrecipes as a guide.
I have one more little April Fools to add from my garden. This poor little pink ranunculus had an early April Fools joke played on them this weekend. We got a surprise snowfall and they got new snow hats! The snow melted quickly and they are back to their spring looking selves but the joke was sure on them (and us) for a day or so!

Be sure and visit Carol's blog to see what she and everybody else at the party has going on!
I've entered this post over at Design by Gollum's Foodie Friday Potluck! Go check out all of the other yummy blogs listed on her website.