Being from Louisiana I grew up eating lots of seafood and I love it. Especially Shrimp!!! I've eaten shrimp elsewhere but there is, in my opinion, nothing that quite compares to Gulf shrimp. Maybe something about the warm water? This week I flashback to last August. Some of my online buddies and I had a virtual Garden Party. On my menu was BBQ Shrimp, New Orleans style. It's not realllllllly barbecued. Not really sure where they came up with that name. I do know the original was made at a Restaurant in New Orleans called
Pascal's Manale.

I used this recipe from the
NOLA Cuisine blog as inspiration for my dish. I didn't have shrimp with the heads on available so mine were headless and the beer was probably Bud Light..good enough quality for me!
New Orleans Style Barbecue Shrimp Recipe
2 Sticks of Unsalted Butter
2 Tbsp Garlic, minced
1/2 tsp Fresh Thyme, chopped
1/2 tsp Fresh Oregano, chopped
1 tsp Fresh Rosemary, chopped
1/2 Cup Abita Amber beer, or another good quality beer
1 Tbsp Fresh Lemon Juice
2 Tbsp Crystal Hot Sauce
2 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1 Tbsp Black Pepper, freshly cracked
3 Tbsp Italian Parsley, minced
1 Tbsp Kosher Salt
Cayenne pepper to taste
2 lbs Head on/shell on shrimp
Preheat an oven to 450 degrees F.
Melt 2 Tbsp of the butter in a large cast iron skillet over medium heat. Add the garlic and saute until slightly browned. Add the fresh herbs and cook for 2 minutes. Deglaze with the beer, reduce by half.
Add the lemon juice, Worcestershire, hot sauce, black pepper, kosher salt, cayenne pepper and the shrimp, tossing to coat well. Transfer the shrimp, the rest of the butter and sauce to a baking dish where the shrimp can bake in the sauce in a single layer. Place into the preheated oven for 10-15 minutes. Do not over cook the shrimp!
Serve in a large bowl with the chopped parley, your favorite beer, and lots of fresh French Bread for dipping in the sauce.
Serves 2.

My flower garden was really colorful and full around that time. The summer wasn't very hot last year and although it was August things were still looking pretty perky. Those are the times I realllly appreciate living in the Pacific Northwest. Just thinking about eating shrimp outside in Louisiana in August makes me sweat! And start swatting and imaginary mosquitos...
I can't wait to see this shaggy daisy bloom again. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger. It's sitting next to 'Hot Lips' salvia which looks unfortunately sad this spring after our cold winter. I hope it makes it because it's definitely on my favorite list.

Looks like a jungle!

Can't you just smell these oriental lilies?

And look at the little juicy raspberry just waiting to be picked

I'm not sure of the name of this tall phlox but I love the candycane look about it.

Another great thing about gardening up here....hydrangeas all summer long!

Thanks for joining me for the flashback!
Go check out my buddies who joined me with their flashbacks!
Barb shares some Espresso Brownies I've been wanting to try at
Foley's FolliesDebbie recalls some cute little leaf shaped appetizers (plus a great Tuscan inspired menu at
Mountain BreathsJayne shows us a great appetizer platter at
A Grain of Salt and
Carol tempts us with Banana Wontons at
There's Always Thyme for CookingThis is also my contribution to the potluck Michael Lee at
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